Hey Guys,
I just figured I would share a few insights as to a few things that have helped me lose weight.
1) If you're going to have oatmeal, try steel cut oats. Your body has to work harder to break it down in your body and therefore burns more calories
2) If you're going to eat at night, avoid simple carbohydrates. Protein is best if you're going to have anything. Whether it be cottage cheese and yogurt, some lean chicken, eggs. If you have the urge for a midnight snack, try a fruity tea with two splenda. A good way to get a sugar fix with zero calories.
3) Try out a new exercise class to keep you from getting bored. Yoga? Spin class? Pilates? Swimming? The possibilities are endless.
4) Hanging out with friends: You don't always HAVE to go out for dinner. Try going for a walk instead.
5) When you go to a restuarant: Have the waiter pack half your dinner before hand, so you eat only half the portion at dinner. You'll not only cut half the calories, but you'll have left overs for the next day.
6) If you know you're going out, look at nutritional information if possible before hand to figure out the healthiest choices.
7) If you're on weightwatchers, subscribe to etools, which provides you with tens of thousands of healthy recipes and modifications to make your favorite snack lower in calories.
8) If you HAVE to have a frappuccino... Trya frappuccino light. The mocha light frappuccino is only three points!
9) Find someone who keeps you motivated.. Whether it be a friend or otherwise. My inspiration was watching youtube videos of people going through the same journy. Here are a few:
10) Remember that even if you have a bad week, you can always get back on track. Weightloss is about the journy, not the destination. It's never too late to change your eating habits.